Showing posts with label pkgadd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pkgadd. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Solaris Package administration in Solaris 10 Operating System

In this article, we will provide all the commands with an example which describe as below.

pkginfo- It displays all software package information.
pkgadd- It installs all software packages to the system.
pkgrm- It removes a package from the system.
pkgchk- It checks package installation state.
pkgtrans- It translates packages from one server format to another.

Commands & Syntax for checking a package information:

For checking a packages information on Solaris 10 operating system we will used the "pkginfo" command. You can find the all command and syntax related to "pkginfo" is listed below.

Please use the below command to display information about installed software packages.

!-[solaris]# pkginfo | more

Please use the below command to view additional information.

!-[solaris]# pkginfo -l | more

Please use the below command to view information of a specific package.

!-[solaris]# pkginfo -l SUNWman

Please use the below command to find how many packages are currently installed.

!-[solaris]# pkginfo | wc -l

To list all installed software packages, please use the below command.

!-[solaris]# more /var/sadm/install/contents

These above commands with their syntax are daily used on Solaris 10 platform.

Commands & Syntax for checking a package installation:

For checking an information about packages are installed or not on the server , we need to use "pkgchk"  command. Please find the below example as describe below.

Please use the below command to check the contents & attributes of a currently installed package.

!-[solaris]# pkgchk SUNWpkgs

Please use the below command to list the all files contained in a software package.

!-[solaris]# pkgchk -v SUNWpkgs

Please use the below commands to find if the contents & attributes of a file have changed since it was installed with its software package.

!-[solaris]# pkgchk -p /etc/shadow 

Please use the below commands to list information about selected files that make up a package.

!-[solaris]# pkgchk -l -p /usr/bin/showrev

If the packages is installed already then in that case "pkgchk" command don't show any output that clear meaning is that packages is already installed on the server.

Commands & Syntax for adding a package software:

For adding a packages on the server, we will used the "pkgadd" command. Please find the below commands and their syntax which is daily used on Solaris operating system.

Please use the below command to add a software packages from DVD. For this you need to move on dvd directory where all the packages are listed.

!-[solaris]# pkgadd -d . SUNWpkgs

Using above command you can add the packages from DVD.

Commands & Syntax for removing a package software:

For removing the packages from the server, we will used "pkgrm" command. Please find the below commands and their syntax as listed below.

Please use the below command to remove the software packages.

!-[solaris]# pkgrm SUNWpkgs

Please use the below command to remove a package from the spool directory.

!-[solaris]# pkgrm -s /export/pkg SUNWldam

Commands & Syntax for translating a packages format:

For translating a packages format from one format to another , we will used the "pkgtrans" command for the same.

Please use the below command to translate a package from file system format in /var/tmp to data stream format.

!-[solaris]# pkgtrans /var/tmp /tmp/SUNWpkgs.pkg SUNWpkgs

Please use the below command to create a data streamed package.

!-[solaris]# pkgtrans -s Product /var/tmp/stream.pkg SUNWpkgg SUNWpkgs

Sunday, 18 June 2017

How to run Oracle Explorer on Sun Solaris 11 Operating System

Explorer files are used as a snapshot when we need to check all hardware issues or internal issue. The explorer files keeps all these information.

Oracle SUN Solaris explorer is a collection of scripts and binary executable files which collect all information and creates a detailed snapshot of Oracle Sun Solaris system configurations.

Oracle Sun Solaris Explorer is always installed on Global zone using root user which are running only Sun Sparc system and Solaris X86 systems as well as we are gathers information related to drivers, patches, recent system event history, and log file entries from the Oracle Explorer Data Collector output.

Before moving to run the explorer files we need to understand which packages is required to installed and configure the explorer files.

➤ First we need to download the Service tools bundle from any ftp servers and extract them and run the script with extension syntax.

!-[solaris]# ./ -ext

➤ In this step we will uncompressed and untar the Explorer tar file using below command.

!-[solaris]# cd /var/tmp/stb/extract/Explorer
!-[solaris]# uncompress Explorer.tar.Z
!-[solaris]# tar xvf Explorer.tar

➤ In this step we will install Explorer packages and create directories "SUNWexplo" and "SUNWexplu" to install the required packages.

!-[solaris]# pkgadd -d . SUNWexplo SUNWexpl

➤ Now we will run the explorer command to obtained the logs files from the Sun Solaris system.

!-[solaris]# explorer
Normally on Solaris server the default location to run the above command is /usr/sbin/explorer which create & send the explorer log file.

➤ If you want the create default configuration file only first time please use the below syntax.

 !-[solaris]# explorer -g 

➤ If you want to check explorer version please run the below command.

 !-[solaris]# explorer -V
Normally in most of the Solaris server the default path of the explorer output is /var/explorer/output but it depends where you installed the Explorer.

Please comment on the post, if you have any query related to this topic.