Sunday, 24 January 2021

Puppet agent: Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled

Puppet agent: Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled - 

Such type of error coming when puppet agent connecting to a Puppet master server for a first time will generate a certificate and give it to a Puppet master server to sign.

Basically its depend upon your puppet configuration, a default behavior is that the certificate must by signed manually and thus puppet agent exits with an error.

[root@puppet-client:~]#puppet agent -t

Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled

To resolve this issue login to the Puppet master server and run the below command to list all certificates awaiting a signature.

[root@puppet-master ~]# puppet cert list

"puppet-client"      (SHA256)


From the above output we can see that certificate from a single host puppet-client is waiting for its certificate to be signed. 

Note: Your output may be different and contain multiple certificates awaiting for a signature.

Now we have two options on how to sign the above certificate. 

Option 1: We can sign each certificate individually.

Option 2: We can sign all awaiting certificates at once.

For option 1 , please run the below command 

[root@puppet-master ~]# puppet cert sign puppet-client

For Option 2, please run the below command

[root@puppet-master ~]# puppet cert sign --all

Using above option you can remove such errors. Now login on the puppet-client machine and run the puppet agent again.

[root@puppet-client:~]#puppet agent -t

Now you will not receive certificate error. In case you have any query on above article, please comment on this post. Thanks!!