Showing posts with label password. Show all posts
Showing posts with label password. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 February 2020

How to reset HP iLO password from command line in Linux

If you have lost or forgotten the iLO password than please find the below steps to reset ilo password from command line.

To reset / set the password of the iLO from within the linux operating system on an HP server, the hponcfg utility needs to be installed

Here is some information about hponcfg

The hponcfg utility is an online configuration tool used to set up and reconfigure the local iLO without requiring a reboot of the server operating system. It can be used to retrieve and change the iLO configuration of the local server from the linux command line.

Please login on the linux machine and create a new xml file

[root@localhost]#vim ilo_password.xml

  <USER_INFO MODE="write">
    <MOD_USER USER_LOGIN="Administrator">
      <PASSWORD value="XXXXXXXX*"/>

save the ilo_password.xml file

In above xml file, you just need to set PASSWORD value - XXXXXXX. Please put your new ILO password here. 

To load this xml file in ILO, please use hponcfg command 

[root@localhost]# hponcfg -w ilo_password.xml

Your iLO password will be reset, now please login in HPE iLO via new password XXXXXXX.

Please let me know in case of any query about this post. Thanks. 

Thursday, 11 January 2018

SSH login without password in linux

If you want to connect one Linux host to other Linux host through SSH with password-less connection then you need to perform below steps.

Lets suppose you need password-less login from host "server01" / user "redhat" to host "server02" / user "centos".

1. First login in on "server01"as user "redhat" and generate a pair of authentication keys.

[redhat@server01]# ssh-keygen -t rsa

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/redhat/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/redhat/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/redhat/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/redhat/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
1e:4f:05:79:3a:9f:96:7c:2b:ad:e9:58:37:sc:37:e4 redhat@server01

Note: Do not enter a passphrase.

2. Now you use ssh to create a directory ~/.ssh as user "centos" on server02.

Note: If directory already exist, you do not create it again.

[redhat@server01]# ssh centos@server02 mkdir -p .ssh

centos@server02's password:

Finally append redhat's new public key to centos@server02:.ssh/authorized_keys and enter centos's password one last time:

3. Now copy the rsa key to server 02 ssh authorized_keys file

[redhat@server01]# cat .ssh/ | ssh centos@server02 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

centos@server02's password:

Now you can log into server02 as "centos" from server01 as "redhat"a without password.

4. Now you can test the password less connection.

[redhat@server01]# ssh centos@server02

You are successfully login on the server02 without any password.

Note:  In case of any permission issue you need to set "700" permission on .ssh folder on server02.

Monday, 24 July 2017

How to reset or change root password in AIX Operating System

If you forgotten the root password on AIX server, then please follow the below step by step method to recover or reset the root password.
➥ You need to insert the operating system same version media disk on cd/dvd rom and power on the AIX machine.
➥ When the screen of icons appears, or you hear a double beep sound from hardware of AIX, please press the F1 key repeatedly until the System Management Services menu appears.
➥ Select Multi boot option from the SMS (System Management Services) menu
➥ Select Install From option from multi boot screen.
➥ Select the device (CD rom) that keep the AIX operating system image and then select Install.
➥ Select the AIX version icon from the screen menu.
➥ Please describe your current system as the system console by pressing the F1 key and then press Enter.
➥ In this step you need to select the number of your preferred language and press Enter. In my case I use global language "English".
➥ Once you select the language in this step you need to select Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery by typing 3 and press Enter.
➥ In the second last step you can ignore the messages like that "select Access a Root Volume Group".

A message displays explaining that you will not be able to return to the Installation menus without rebooting if you change the root volume group at this point.
➥ Please Type 0 and press Enter.

Type the number of the appropriate volume group from the list and press Enter.

Select Access this Volume Group and start a shell by typing 1 and press Enter.

At the # (number sign) prompt, type the passwd command at the command line prompt to reset the root password.

# passwd
Changing password for "root"
root's New password:
Enter the new password again:
➥ In the final step , you need to write everything from the buffer to the hard disk and reboot the system.


When the login screen appears, the password you set in above step 11 should now permit access to root privileges.