Showing posts with label nis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nis. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

How to Set a Solaris 11 Machine's NIS Domain Name

If domainname command not showing any output then you need to check either defaultdomain or NIS domain is configured or not.

Steps which we need to follow to set the NIS domain name as describe below.

1. Please run  "cat /etc/defaultdomain" command and check the output that domain is set or not.


The above command shows you the current domain name on the server, if no output is display you need to set the domain by below command.

   #domainname UNIX

Run the below command to check the output again.


You can see the output. All the above command is used for checking and setting the domain name on the Solaris operating server.

2. If you want to set the domain using NIS, then first please check the NIS/DOMAIN service is running or not

root@sun:~# svcs status nis/domain
STATE          STIME    FMRI
disabled       18:20:04 svc:/network/nis/domain:default

In my Solaris machine, currently NIS domain services is stop, we will start it later once we will configured the NIS domain name on the Solaris server.

3. Now you need to configure the NIS domain for your machine ( in my case - UNIX is my domain name)

root@sun:~# svccfg -s svc:/network/nis/domain setprop config/domainname = UNIX

If you see the above command, "svccfg" command is used to configure the domain and set the proper properties.

4. In the final step once the configuration has been completed you need to refresh & enable the NIS domain service again.

root@sun:~# svccfg -s nis/domain:default refresh
root@sun:~# svcadm enable nis/domain

You can check the NIS domain service status as describe in step 2. 

5. Now you can verify the domain name using below command so we can ensure that the NIS domain name has been set successfully. 

root@sun:~# domainname
The above command output show "UNIX" domain name which we set during the configuration, so using these above method we can easily set the NIS domain name on the Solaris operating server.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Important Linux TCP/IP Port Number

Please find the below complete list of TCP/IP port number in Linux system.

➤ 20- FTP ( File Transfer Protocol) -It is used for transfer the data using ftp connection

➤ 21- FTP Control - It is used this port for ftp connection.

➤ 22- SSH (Secure Shell)- It is used for connecting the secure shell which using SSL encryption.

➤ 23- TELNET - It is used for insecure remote connection.

➤ 25- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)- It is used as a mail transfer agent for email server.

➤ 53- DNS (Domain name system)- It is used for translate the domain name to IP address.

➤ 67- BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol)- Used for automatically assign the IP address to network device.

➤ 68- DHCP (Dynamic host configuration protocol)- It is a network protocol to enable a server to automatically assign an IP address to system.

➤ 69- TFTP (Trivial file transfer protocol)- Used this protocol in PXE Boot services.

➤ 80- HTTP ( Hypertext Transfer protocol)- Used for WWW web connection.

➤ 88- Kerberos Protocol

➤ 110- POP3 (Post Office Protocol)- Used as a mail delivery agent.

➤ 113- XINETD (Extended Internet Daemon)

➤ 115- SFTP ( Secure File Transfer Protocol)

➤ 123- NTP (Network time protocol)- Used for time syncing uses UDP protocol

➤ 137- NetBIOS (Network basic Input/Output system)

➤ 139- NETBIOS-SESSION Service

➤ 143- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

➤ 161- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)- Used for network monitoring.

➤ 389- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

➤ 443- HTTPS ( Hypertext Transfer protocol secure)- Used with SSL encryption.

➤ 445- SMB (Server Message Block or SAMBA)

➤ 514- Syslogd (udp port)

➤ 840- NIS (Network Information Service)

➤ 873- rsync Used for file synchronization.

➤ 990- FTPS (File transfer protocol secure)

➤ 993- IMAPS ( For Secure Connection)

➤ 995- POP3s ( Mail delivery agent with secure connection)

➤ 2049- NFS ( Network file sharing)