Saturday, 29 February 2020

How to reset HP iLO password from command line in Linux

If you have lost or forgotten the iLO password than please find the below steps to reset ilo password from command line.

To reset / set the password of the iLO from within the linux operating system on an HP server, the hponcfg utility needs to be installed

Here is some information about hponcfg

The hponcfg utility is an online configuration tool used to set up and reconfigure the local iLO without requiring a reboot of the server operating system. It can be used to retrieve and change the iLO configuration of the local server from the linux command line.

Please login on the linux machine and create a new xml file

[root@localhost]#vim ilo_password.xml

  <USER_INFO MODE="write">
    <MOD_USER USER_LOGIN="Administrator">
      <PASSWORD value="XXXXXXXX*"/>

save the ilo_password.xml file

In above xml file, you just need to set PASSWORD value - XXXXXXX. Please put your new ILO password here. 

To load this xml file in ILO, please use hponcfg command 

[root@localhost]# hponcfg -w ilo_password.xml

Your iLO password will be reset, now please login in HPE iLO via new password XXXXXXX.

Please let me know in case of any query about this post. Thanks. 

Failed to start lsb bring up/down networking in rhel 7

Such type of error we have received after operating system upgradation from redhat linux operating system from version 7.x to version 7.y.

The root cause for error is network manager upgradation during operating system patching.

To troubleshoot this error, please restart the network service and check the status 

[root@localhost network-scripts]# systemctl restart network

Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status network.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

[root@localhost network-scripts]# systemctl status network

You can see " Failed to start lsb bring up/down networking" error message

Solution: To resolve such type of network issue, please perform the below steps.

Go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory and list the files.

[root@localhost]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

You can see the ifcfg-lo filename file which you need to removed it.

after remove this file please take a restart of service. Your network service will restart properly without any issue. Also if you have any other duplicate or backup ifcfg file please remove it.

[root@localhost network-scripts]# rm -rf ifcfg-lo

[root@localhost network-scripts]# systemctl restart network

Now try to access the redhat machine via ssh. Please post your comment if you have any query regarding this post.