Sunday, 10 December 2017

How to check number of CPU and processor in linux operating system

In this post, we will find all the command using which we can find that how many CPU and processor are used in Linux operating system.

⇾ This command are applicable in both RedHat & CentOS operating machine.

➤ How to check number of processor on operating system.

      cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | sort -u | wc -l

   Using above command it show you the number of processor which are currently used on server.

➤ How to check number of cores on Linux operating system.

     cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "core id" | sort -u | wc -l

➤ You can used other command as well like "lscpu" to check number of processor and core per socket.

➤ Please find the other command which are also used to check the number of processor and cores in  Linux operating system.

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | uniq
   cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | sort -u | wc -l
   cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "core id" | sort -u | wc -l

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