Saturday, 24 June 2017

How to create whole root zone on Sun Solaris 11 Operating System

In Solaris 10, we can’t install it without configuring repo on Solaris while in Solaris 11 ,first we need to create a  Solaris 11 repo , then we can install Solaris local zone. In Solaris 11, all the local zones by default uses exclusive ip address. You can’t set the IP address while configuring the zone. After the installation of zone, you can able to configure the IP from the local zone itself.

On my Solaris 11 machine I have already installed one local zone which is used for my R&D work so for this post work I need to install second local zone. So I will clone it from the first local zone.

Step by step method to create a zone on Solaris 11:-

➤ In the first step we will create a new local zone. For the zone creation we will used "zonecfg" command and configure the zones as whole root zone without any options supplied.

!-[solaris]#zonecfg -z sun02
sun02: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:sun> create
zonecfg:sun> info
zonename: sun02
brand: native
autoboot: false
ip-type: shared
zonecfg:sun> set zonepath=/zones/sun02
zonecfg:sun > add anet
zonecfg:sun:anet> set linkname=net0
zonecfg:sun:anet> end
zonecfg:sun > verfiy
zonecfg:sun > commit
zonecfg:sun > exit

In the above step, we will create a zne and set the zonepath. In my case my new solaris zone path is "/zones/sun02" in your case you can change your installation zone path. Here, I assign the network interface "net0" for this newly zone.

➤ After successfully zone creation in above step 1, we will go for start the Solaris zone installation in this step. As I explained you for solaris 11 local zone installation we required solaris 11 repo which is used for installation part.

!-[solaris]#zoneadm -z sun02 install
The following ZFS file system(s) have been created:
Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/zoneadm.30220110Z233232Z.sun02.install
       Image: Preparing at /zones/sun02/root.
 AI Manifest: /tmp/manifest.xml.F_ayqq
  SC Profile: /usr/share/auto_install/sc_profiles/enable_sci.xml
    Zonename: sun02
Installation: Starting ...
              Creating IPS image
Startup linked: 1/1 done
        Installing packages from:
solaris  origin:  http://localhost:1008/solaris/ce43f14c4791b5320596e2023cde1ec08709a3af/

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)   SPEED
Completed                            183/183   33556/33556  222.2/222.2  139k/s

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Installing new actions                   46825/46825
Updating package state database               Done
Updating image state                          Done
Creating fast lookup database                 Done
Installation: Succeeded

Note:Man pages can be obtained by installing pkg:/system/manual done. Done: Installation completed in 2392.837 seconds.

Now our newly zone "sun02" has been installed successfully. All the configuration files are keep in /zones/sun02/root directory.

➤ In this step we will boot the newly installed zone "sun02".

!-[solaris]#zoneadm -z sun02 boot

You can check the status of zone that it is running or not after boot.

!-[solaris]#zoneadm list -icv
ID NAME      STATUS     PATH          BRAND    IP
   0 global   running    /            solaris  shared
   1 sun01    running    /zones/sun01 solaris  excl
   3 sun02    running    /zones/sun02 solaris  excl

if you see the above output newly zone "sun02" is running working fine on the solaris 11 operating system.

➤ Now in the next step, we will login on the local zone console to complete the configuration process.

!-[solaris]# zlogin -C sun02
[Connected to zone 'sun02' console]

You can press enter when you will get this message. Now it is asking for some configuration step we need to give a details one by one.

Time Zone: Regions
select the region that contains your time zone.
Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
F2_Continue  F3_Back  F6_Help  F9_Quit

Time Zone: Locations
Select the location that contains your time zone.
x Afghanistan
x Armenia
x Azerbaijan
x Bahrain
x Bangladesh
x Bhutan
x Brunei
x Cambodia
x China
x Cyprus
x East Timor
x Georgia
x Hong Kong
v India
F2_Continue  F3_Back  F6_Help  F9_Quit

Time Zone
Select your time zone.
Time Zones

F2_Continue  F3_Back  F6_Help  F9_Quit

System Configuration Summary
Review the settings below before continuing. Go back (F3) to make changes.

Time Zone: Asia/Kolkata
Language: *The following can be changed when logging in.
Default language: C/POSIX
Terminal type: vt100

No user account

Computer name: sun02
Network Configuration: Automatic

Support configuration:
Not generating a Support profile as OCM and ASR services are not installed.
Hostname: sun02

So now your zone is fully configured ans installed successfully. You can login in zone very easily. So in next step we will see the post configuration settings which is required on local solaris zone.

➤ In the final step you need login to local zone sun02 and configured the ip address on the zone sun02.

!-[solaris]# zlogin -z sun02

You can successfully login in your newly created solaris 11 zone. Please leave a comment if you have any doubt , I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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